Resume CFS


RESUME CFS* is a Charitable Trust (Registered No 1135931) and has, as its stated Objectives;

  1. To promote Research into the Epidemiological and Social aspects of ME/CFS and other similar conditions

  2. To support Research into the causes and Treatment of the disease ME/CFS and to publish the useful research in order to contribute to the Relief of the Sickness and the Poverty of persons suffering from ME/CFS and related conditions.


*RESUME CFS is an acronym for: Research into Epidemiological and Social Understanding of ME/CFS.

Resume CFS started as a not-for-profit company in 2003 and in 2010 converted to a Charity to adopt the work done by another charity, CHROME, which was disbanded at the end of its 10 year project.

List of Trustees:

Note: None of the trustees receives any payment for their services; whilst necessary expenses could be paid none has been claimed to date. The charity does not employ any staff.

We know that the experience our Trustees have in the field of ME/CFS means that we are able to offer; help to researchers by facilitating contact (subject to informed consent) with people with a confirmed diagnosis of ME who may wish to help them with their research; help to the medical profession in the diagnosis of this complex multifaceted illness; and through these and other activities we aim to improve the lot of the thousands of sufferers of this debilitating condition.